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Teacher-Centered Coaching

A Coach for Every Teacher
Even teachers can learn something new.

We strive to make an impactful contribution to schools by developing effective teachers, strengthening current instructional practices, and improving student outcomes through personalized, Instructional Coaching, Professional Development, and Cultural Enrichment.

Cultivating effective pedagogical

skills and practices 



We work with growth-minded instructional leaders and teachers to develop thriving educational communities and transform school cultures around the world. 

Our coaching model focuses on fostering professional and personal growth & development, through empowering teachers, building capacity and developing sustainable educational strategies, programs and support for curriculum planning.



We provide additional support for:

  • New teachers - to help them build a strong foundation and incorporate new knowledge and skills into their practice resulting in improved teaching effectiveness.

  • Experienced teachers - in need of support for developing effective teaching and learning practices.



Coaching Cycle

1. Needs analysis - first identifying leadership needs and goals.

2. Observation and Data Collection - of teaching and learning practices, teacher strengths and growth areas and student engagement levels.​

3. Collaborative Goal Setting - Setting goals with leadership and aligning to school's vision and setting attainable goals (short-term and long-term) with teachers. 

4. Feedback - on teacher observations with recommendations and strategies to improve instruction.

5. Reflection - on coach feedback and recommendations. 

6. Application - of principles, strategies and recommendations discussed in coaching sessions.

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Our Coaching Values

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Developing Teachers That Make a Difference

Instructional coaching practices improves the quality of teaching and instructional practices. Teacher-centered coaching is a coaching strategy that is focused on teacher actions in the classroom, versus student-centered coaching, which focuses on looking closely at student-level data.


Quality of teaching will improve through rigorous coaching and mentoring, in turn, resulting in increased teacher effectiveness and therefore, improved student outcomes.


After a thorough needs analysis and initial meeting with administration, goals will be established and careful selection of high needs areas will be focused upon for the duration of the coaching cycle.

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Transformational Coaching

Supporting teachers and improving pedagogical practices through:


                 goal-setting                        collaboration                                mentoring

                  coaching                          self-reflection                       sharing best practices

      effective instructional strategies      peer observations                professional development                               


Teacher Support Through Transformational Coaching

After a detailed needs assessment, we will provide you with a customized coaching plan to promote teacher effectiveness and positive student outcomes.  The following are a selection of focal areas that can either be tailored for professional development sessions or for more short or long-term coaching needs. 

Effective Pedagogical Practices

Build teacher's confidence and strengthen pedagogical practices.

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New Teacher Support

Support teachers as they refine their teaching practices to produce positive student outcomes.

School Inter-visitations

Connect and build teacher relationships across schools to strengthen teaching practices and foster new and effective strategies.

Supporting our ESL population 

Build both student confidence, cultural assimilation and literacy skills in mainstream classrooms & after-school programs.

SEL: Health & Wellness for Teachers & Students

Promoting health and well-being as well as the development of SEL skills across all content areas.

Culturally Responsive Practices

Integrate culturally responsive practices across curriculum and teaching practice.

Professional Development & Coaching Needs

Literacy Skills Enhancement

Support teachers in developing programs and strategies that increase students literacy skills (3-4 years below grade level).

Student-Centered Classrooms

Exploring strategies that are student-centered and focus on student agency and deep exploration (inquiry).

School Inter-visitations

 Build teacher's confidence and strengthen pedagogical practices.

Student/Teacher Discussion Panel

Build teacher-student relationships, and create opportunities for student agency and growth in teaching and learning.

Curriculum Development

Support teachers in the development of intentional, engaging and culturally responsive lessons/units that promote student success.

Health & Wellness for Teachers & Students

 Build teacher's confidence and strengthen pedagogical practices.

Peer Modeling Exchange Program

Build teacher confidence, strengthen teacher relationships and teaching and learning practices through peer observation and self-reflection.

Ongoing Teacher Support

 Build teacher's confidence and strengthen pedagogical practices through transformative coaching & professional development to support a sustainable coaching model.

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